The St. James Panel #1182

Bring this inspirational piece of faith and light into your church or cathedral. Designed to honor the Apostle Saint James, master artists in the studios of Stained Glass, Inc., crafted this breathtaking work of stained glass art using the classically traditional style of the great European cathedral art, with rich, vivid color and uniquely varied textures. Flawless imagery, from the subtle expressiveness of the face of this beloved Apostle to the details of his cloak and the staff that he carries, bringing this exquisite stained glass panel to life for believers who are blessed to behold it. Reflecting the rays of sunlight, candlelight and firelight in shifting shades throughout the day and after dark, this stained glass window is perfect for enhancing every area of prayerful worship, church, chapel, cathedral or shrine, this breathtaking stained glass design is a true treasure.

A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.

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