Jesus at 12 Panel #1166
Beautifully inspire believers with this gorgeous depiction of the boy Christ at the Temple. Vibrant hues that cross the full spectrum of color and naturally varied textures blend harmoniously with flawless, moving imagery and brings this beloved Christian teaching in stained glass to life for believers who are blessed to behold it. Evocative artistry portrays the face of young Jesus and those who surround him with realistic detail, dazzling the eye and stirring the soul. Reflecting and refracting the rays of sunlight, candlelight and firelight in shifting shades throughout the day and after dark, this work of stained glass art then casts that light into every corner. This glorious stained glass window is perfect for enhancing every space of spiritual devotion and worship, including church, chapel or cathedral, or as a unique, impressive piece for home or business decor.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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