The Mourning at the Cross Panel #1412
Jesus died on the cross so that man would have a way to salvation. This most sacred of all Christian concepts is depicted here in glorious stained glass, as the mourning women weep at the foot of the cross. Crafted using the full palette of vibrant hues and colors, this glorious work of stained glass art brings to mind the fine stained glass windows in the great cathedrals of Europe, breathtakingly beautiful and inspirational to believers who are blessed to behold it. Naturally varied, hand hammered textures and flawless imagery, from the agony that is evident on the countenance of the suffering Christ to the pain and heartache of the mourners as well as the impeccable detail in the surroundings brings this stained glass tableau to life, this exquisite work of stained glass art dazzles the eye and stirs the soul.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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