Jesus and the Doctors Panel #1856
These vibrant colors and lovely patterns create an unforgettable stained glass portrait of the favorite Bible story of young Jesus in the Temple. Created in the classic style of old world stained glass, this tableau is elegantly arched in dual panels and crowned with a portrait of Saint Appolonia, allowing the admirer the illusion of viewing the scene firsthand through a medieval window. Reminiscent of the great windows of old European cathedrals, this moving creation features brilliant hues that cross the full spectrum of color and naturally varied textures that collect and beam shifting shades of light throughout the day, setting every area of placement aflame with color and brilliance. Perfect for inclusion in every area of prayerful worship, church, chapel, cathedral or shrine to Saint Appolonia, this work of art inspires reverence and awe.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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