The Gorgeous Nativity Panel #3533
Shepherds tending their flocks see the star and come to worship the newborn King Jesus while the Magi are received from the East. This elaborate, majestic stained glass window features a glorious depiction of the Christmas story with rich, vibrant color, varied natural textures and flawless imagery. Moving and awe-inspiring, this work of stained glass art dazzles the eye and stirs the soul, certain to enhance any space; church, chapel, shrine or cathedral. Collecting and reflecting shifting shades of light as they beam through this lovely pane throughout the day, this fine stained glass panel brings the story of Our Lord's birth to life in ornate, elaborate elegance, touching the hearts of all who experience its exquisite beauty. Created by masters in stained glass art in the studios of Stained Glass, Inc.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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