By the Sea Panel #1432
Jesus and some of His apostles are pictured standing by the Sea of Galilee in this beautiful stained glass. This multi-paneled work of stained glass art is crafted in the classic Gothic style, featuring impeccable symmetry and balance in design, as well as a full palette of rich, vibrant color paired with naturally varied textures. This lovely window features the finest in old world stained glass technique, including sparkle and shine as it reflects and refracts the shifting shades of light that travel across the surface throughout the day and after dark. A perfect enhancement for church, chapel, cathedral or shrine, this exquisite stained glass creation also lends itself as a centerpiece for home or business decor. Created by master stained glass artists in the studios of Stained Glass, Inc., this work is a true masterpiece.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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