Manger in Bethlehem Panel #1830
These beautifully ornate Gothic panels depict the holy story of the nativity in a masterfully crafted, well-designed work of stained glass art. Rich, vibrant hues that cross the full spectrum of color and naturally varied textures capture rays of light that dance along the surface in shifting shades and patterns throughout the day, beaming a wash of lovely color throughout every area of placement, church, chapel, cathedral or shrine. This masterwork is perfect as a signature holiday piece for home or business decor. Created by master stained glass artists in the studios of Stained Glass, Inc., this panel is elaborate and ornate in the old world style, embellished with perfect symmetry and balance and dual arches, crowned by a glowing angel with arms outstretched in blessing.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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