Luke 10:37 Panel #1847
A very clear and colorful illustration of the story of the Good Samaritan is shown in this incredible example of stained glass art. This beloved Bible teaching is depicted with rich, vivid hues that cross the full spectrum of color and breathtaking, realistic imagery that brings the story to life for all who are blessed to behold it. Naturally varied textures, breathtaking color and design portray the favored Christian story of the Good Samaritan in classic old world stained glass style, dazzling the eye and stirring the soul. Perfect for inspiring the faithful in church, as this panel catches and reflects the shifting shades and patterns of light throughout the day, washing every corner with an ethereal glow. This piece also lends itself well for home or business decor.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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