Cross of Events Panel #3070
Several scenes from Jesus Christ's life are represented in this religious stained glass panel, from His trip to the Temple when He was twelve to His blessing of the little children. All of these scenes remind Christians of His tireless work and efforts while on Earth to tend to God's flock. This sublimely beautiful stained glass panel is available in various sizes and can be personalized with a donor plaque or inscription for display as a window or hanging in a church, chapel, or home.
A religious window like this would make a good addition to a house of worship or a hospital chapel.
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Tags for this Image
- Abstract
- Blessing Children
- Boy Jesus
- Boy Jesus in the Temple
- Catholic
- Children Come Unto Me
- Cross
- Crosses
- Hope of the World
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus Teaching in the Temple as a Child
- Jesus in the Temple
- Mary
- Mary Magdalene
- Methodist
- Our Lady
- Saint Joseph
- Saints
- Styles and Patterns
- Teaching in Temple
- Text & Symbolism
- Washing Feet